Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Engineering:
Tel-Aviv University, Department of Electrical Engineering – Systems:
- Signals and Systems (undergraduate), 1999-2000
The Technion, Faculty of Electrical Engineering:
- Introduction to Signal Processing (undergraduate), 2002-2003
- Advanced Topics in Stochastic Signal Processing (graduate), 2003
Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Engineering:
- Signals and Systems (undergraduate), 2004-2007
- Linear Systems (undergraduate), 2004
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany:
- Array Processing (graduate), 2017
Technical University Aalborg, Denmark:
- Array Processing (graduate), 2018
Technical University Liberec, The Czech Republic:
- Array Processing (graduate), 2018
For the courses material please refer to Bar-Ilan Moodle (for authorized person only)